Sunday, October 20, 2013

G is 7

  We were blessed to celebrate Gabe's seventh birthday this week.  7!  What a wonderful privilege it is to watch this little guy grow.  He is kind and loving, silly and energetic.  He loves to learn and to read - and has taken to diving into God's word with vigor.  So cool to see!

G was star of the week (la estrella de semana) at school.  One of the (MANY) duties required of this illustrious post is to have your parents write you a letter to be read in front of the class.  We were psyched for the opportunity to declare publicly all that we love about Mr. Gabe.  It was a bit of a struggle to share as we wanted to since G goes to public school and there are still those pesky separation of church and state laws.  ;-) 

Here's what we came up with:

Dear Gabriel William Thompson,

You are always our star of the week! The only time you are not our star is when you beat us in Monopoly. 

Mr. G,

We are so blessed and consider it a privilege to be your parents.  You are a gift to us, and we are thankful for you, even when you try to give your dad strawberry yogurt!

When you were a baby, you stuffed food in your cheek like a chipmunk.  Your dad called you Munk-Munk, Munkers Bunkers, and Munk-a-dunk. 


Did you know that your name means “God is my strength?”  We want you to live your life in a way that shows your strength comes from Him. 

It is that strength which allows you to be the incredible kiddo you are – joyful and energetic, eager and kind, compassionate and strong, with a heart to love others and a gentleness to encourage and support those in need.


Your middle name was given to you because of your dad’s grandfather, William Harold Thompson.  He served so many people, and always told your dad that education is important.  Growing in knowledge and wisdom is an awesome responsibility and opportunity.   While you are growing, we want you to use your gifts and talents to love and encourage others. 


Do your best, show kindness to all and remember that we love because He first loved us, and that we love you! 

Usted es siempre nuestra estrella de la semana!

Hundreds of zerples,

Mom and Dad

G was thrilled and his teacher yelled at me later.... for making her cry.  The letter will be added to a book the class made - each student writing a paragraph about Gabe and why they like him.  T, L and I also added our own pages.  I think this will be a sweet treasure for him to have.

And he is a sweet treasure for us to have.  Happy Birthday Gabey-Cakes (I'm not allowed to call him that in public anymore, but I think it's safe to type it, right?!?!).  You are loved!


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