Sunday, November 3, 2013

I'm a negligent blog poster of late.  Here are some random thoughts that in no-way make a cohesive post:

We thought this was a great video on youth ministry today.  Takes a bit of time to watch, but well worth it if your children are now or will be involved in youth ministry programming.

Have been working with Lily on patterns lately.  I was going to order some of those rainbow-colored bears that come in three different sizes.... you know the 'educational' kind that costs $30+ but you justify it because it's the 'educational' kind.  Happened across a clearance sale at Michael's this week of multi-colored, multi-sized acorns.  (Always a great idea to pop into your local craft store right after a holiday - so much stuff being sold at 80% and 90% off.)  They were $0.59 a bag.  Scooped up 4 bags and SCORE, instant sorting/pattern supplies.  Add a muffin tin and go to town.

(Yes, we have entered the age with Mr. G where bunny ears or moose ears are cool.  Yikes.  Hope it passes quickly.)

Had fun making this for Gabe recently.  Super-easy to put together on Picmonkey.  Love that site so much.  May even spring for the deluxe membership.

(Don't worry, Lily is getting one too.  I wouldn't forget the second kiddo!)

Gabe has been really into memorizing the books of the bible lately.  Made a little game to help him practice.  Truth be told, it's been great for the grown-ups in the house too (those minor prophets always throw me).  Even Lily likes to get in the action.

A local church had a Harvest Fair recently and I couldn't resist posting a pic of this sweet little lady.  We are rejoicing at God at work in her life - and in our life as we learn how to parent her.  2-3 was a tough time for this mama/daughter relationship.  But my oh my how far He has brought us.  So thankful!

Wanted to make a little something for my hubby to serve as encouragement.  Thought Philippians 4:8 would be good.  Gabe helped by doing all the typing.  Lily helped by picking out the background and fonts.

Also, can we talk about how it's already November?!?!  How did that happen....

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