Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mirror Conversation

Last night, while standing on a chair to adjust a curtain, I had this conversation with Gabe:

Gabe: “Hey Mommy, watcha doing?”

Me: “I’m fixing the curtain, Gabbers.”

Gabe: “Hey Mommy, you standing on a chair for to fix the curtain?”

Me: “Yes sir.”

Gabe: “Mommy, we do NOT stand on chairs (said with such adorable aurthority). Get down now!”

Me: “You’re right kiddo, we shouldn’t stand on chairs.”

Gabe: “Now say you’re sorry and give kisses and hugs. Or else Daddy’s gonna come and you have to pick.”

Me: “Pick what, baby?”

Gabe: “Time out or a spanking. I pick spanking.”

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