Wednesday, August 14, 2013

(Out of Season) Apple Cake

A friend recently had to trim some massive branches from an apple tree on her property.  This left her with TONS of red delicious apples to give away.  Tim and Lily came home with about 10-15 pounds worth this morning.  Which left me with challenge #1 - what to do with all these early apples?  The early-nature of their harvesting means that the apples are a little tart.  I will use some to make apple sauce (which I'll sweeten with frozen strawberries from early summer), but I also love using tart apples for baking.  The tart flavor cuts through sweetness and makes for yummy, delicious, awesome baking success.

So now I was faced with challenge #2.  This is my first time doing apple baking with our healthier food lifestyle.  I only know how to make full-on sugar pies and cakes!

This is the recipe I came up with today.  It's SOOOOOOOOO good.  And it's my favorite kind of healthy - the kind where it doesn't taste healthy!

Cinnamon Apple Cake

  • ½ cup agave 
  • 2 tbs. raw cane sugar
  • ⅓ cup unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup almond milk
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. vanilla
  • 1½ cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup almond flour
  • 2 cups chopped apples
  • 1 tbs. raw cane sugar
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tbs. coconut oil
  1. Preheat oven to 325.
  2. Mix ingredients in order given (except the last 3 ingredients).
  3. Pour batter into a 9×13 greased pan.  (I greased my pan using coconut oil.)
  4. Combine last 3 ingredients to make a topping and sprinkle it evenly over the batter.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes. It’s delicious when served warm!
When it came out of the oven, I was faced with challenge #3 - not eating three pieces in one sitting!  (Yes, three, b/c I had no problem eating two in one sitting.)

Cinnamon deliciousness on top.  It makes a crunchy topping which is amazing next to the soft warmth of the cake right out of the oven.

Big apple chunks running throughout.

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