Our day started bright and early - leaving for CHOP at 5:30. Gabe was so excited. He knew we were going to the hospital, to make his throat and ears stop itching, and that ice cream and popsicles awaited him - along with a little pain.
He had a lot of fun with the massive amount of toys in the surgery waiting room, then we headed to his pre-op hang out space. I will admit, we had to use the iPhone apps to help pass the 2 hour wait we had - though the time was broken up by nurses, anesthesiologists, child-life specialists, surgeons, etc...
In typical little man fashion, Gabe had flirted his way into the nurses hearts in time. He wowed the child life specialist with his knowledge of the surgery to come (thank you very much Franklin and Little Critter books!), and we were told he was the favorite on the floor. I admit, they probably say it to every kid, but it's still nice to hear!

He was so proud of his hospital pajamas with rocket ships - and wanted to know when Mommy and Daddy were going to put theirs on. He was also a huge fan of his big bird socks.
Then it was time for 'giggle juice,' a medicine concoction to relax Gabe and make the separation from Mommy a little easier. No - I was not offered a similar concoction.
One more kiss before it was time to go. I am proud to say - I was tear free. Then they wheeled Gabe out, and he said, 'but mommy, aren't you coming with me?' I sucked it up, reassured him and was just fine in no time.
About 45 minutes later, we got word that he was awake, and not happy. He was in so much pain, and so disoriented. It was, by far, the hardest mom-moment of my life. I wanted nothing more than to take his pain away. I was able to settle him down and get him to rest, reassuring him and offering the much-hyped popsicles. The nurses came in and out to check on 'their little sweetheart,' and to scope out his mile-long eyelashes. (Yes, he has fabulous eyelashes, which, of course, Lily does not.)
As we were in recovery, Gabe would wake up for moments at a time, and come up with funny comments - that were a little difficult to understand with his funny post-surgery voice. A sampling:
'Mommy, is the sun is shining?'
'Mommy is the car in the garage?'
'Mommy, lets save the juice for later.'
'Mommy, do you want to share the popsicle with me?'
(When he heard a baby crying.) 'Mommy, you have to get baby Lily.'
We hung out in recovery for about 2 hours, got the okay to head home, and had Gabe snuggled in bed by 12:30. He's been resting soundly ever since.
We send out thanks and gratitude for your thoughts and prayers - and all the yummy food! We are so blessed by your care and support.
Katie - Your blog is amazing and you are such a fantastic mom. Gabe and Lily are extremely lucky to have such a role model. I'm glad that Gabe's surgery went well...such a cutie! I had my tonsils out when I was just shy of 5 years old and I can remember all the hype for popsicles... :-) What a trooper!! Hope he bounces back quickly!! - Ali
ReplyDeleteI read this last night on my phone but could not write a comment. It is wonderful that technology lets us have this first hand account so close to real time so we can know/see that Gabe and Mom are doing ok. Thank you. I hope there is less pain every minute and that books, puzzles, and popsicles will help you through the next few days.