Saturday, January 9, 2010


What's been so interesting about Gabe's recovery is that it is very up and down. He has moments where he seems very much his old self, and we have to work hard to keep him from jumping up and down and running all around. Then he has moments where he is very tired, clearly in tremendous pain and just wants to sleep or snuggle.

There have also been some side effects from the narcotics that are hard for this mommy to watch - some anxiety, bad dreams, trembling. Last night, Gabe was up around 2:30 AM, screaming because he didn't know where his puzzle pieces were. It took us over an hour to calm him down to sleep. (One of the worst hours of my life!) Once he was down, he slept soundly until 7:30 and was perky and chatty - asking for a bowl of Rice Krispies and a bagel for breakfast. He had a great morning today, then a really rough afternoon.

It is also not as easy as I thought to give him a diet of popsicles, ice cream, jello and juice. Some of my favorite comments from the last two days:

'Mommy, we don't eat ice cream for snack. It is just a special treat.'
'Not another popsicle Mommy, I already had a popsicle today.'
'No more Jell-o Mommy, it is too sweet.'
'Mommy, we have to save some popsicles for later.'
'No juice Mommy, little boys only get one juice cup a day.'

Another unexpected challenge of Gabe's recovery - how difficult it is to feel like I'm caring for him in the way he needs and still spending time and energy with Lily, who doesn't understand what is going on with her big brother. She very much wants him to be back to his old self, so she can chase him around the room. She'll even try to get into his toys, then look to him for a reaction, then start to cry when he doesn't do anything! I'm grateful for all the visits and help I've had (and have coming!), we are blessed by such a wonderful support network.

Playing with snow on Thursday. He BEGGED to go outside in the snow to make snow angels, so we brought some in - should have done it in the bath tub, but will know better for next time!

He was so happy!

Really rough afternoon yesterday - just wanted to rest and snuggle, and watch lots of shows.

Poor sweet boy, it's so shocking to see him so still b/c he's normally so hyper.

Rockin' out on his United States puzzle this afternoon.

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