Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Parental Progress

Our pediatrician told me I can no longer feed into Gabe's limited diet. Even though my little boy eats pretty well (fruits, peanut butter, cheese, all things crunchy), the doc says allowing kids to dictate their diets is a contributing factor to childhood obesity.

His solution was to take a 'you get what you get and you don't get upset' approach. Which, for the record, I think was really easy for him to say not being the one who would have to deal with the screaming...

Long story short - last night (dinner #5 in this new plan) Gabe ate chicken and broccoli without gagging himself!! Woo-hoo!!

Also - Lily is napping in her crib w/out a pacifier. She even fell asleep on her own.

I'm feeling some parental pride right now, which probably means this afternoon and tonight will be horrible reminders of why I should never allow myself to feel parental pride!

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