Sunday, October 18, 2009

For our family w/out Facebook....

This event still has me cracking up. I love that Gabe was so quick to rat out his dad!

Tim and Gabe had an adorable father/son day. They went to the library and then to Applebee's for grilled cheese and french fries. At Applebee's, Gabe got the typical children's crayon packet. When they left, Tim threw the crayons into the book bag. At home, for quiet time, Tim left the book bag in Gabe's room so he could read while he rested. I came home and went to get Gabe and found that he'd colored his walls, sheets, library books and radiator ORANGE! I asked Gabe where he got crayons to color, which we don't leave in his room, and he replied (SO QUICKLY), 'Daddy gave them to me.'

It was priceless. Their punishment was to clean up their mess - or at least try.

For the record, washable crayons are not that washable when they're on walls. We finally got lucky using WD-40 and water. I also hear that Orange Glow works well, we just didn't have any on hand.

I told Gabe if he colored on the walls again, he would get 3 spankings b/c he's been into the number 3 lately. He said, 'no thank you, Mommy, I'll have 3...cookies!'

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