Monday, September 24, 2012

I was recently convicted by some words of wisdom I received from a friend:

"Don't wake up to your children.  Wake up for your children."

Every morning, I sleep until the last possible moment.  That moment being when my children bounce onto my bed and wake me up.  This results in a FRANTIC morning of rushing to get myself ready, breakfast ready, both kiddos ready and out the door in time to drop Mr. G off at school.  Not to mention, I completely neglect my husband in the mornings because he often leaves before the kids wake up....  Which means I'm also not awake when he leaves.

BUT, my dear friend made this point....  My children are my 'job' right now.  They are my responsibility, they are what I 'do' each day.  While there's no financial compensation, my occupation is a stay-at-home mother.

If I had a job outside the home, I would surely wake up before the moment when the job began each day.  I would certainly be showered and ready to go the moment my job began.  I would not rush the people I work for because I was unprepared for my day.  (Not that I work for my children, just go with me on the comparison...) 

So why should I do any less to be prepared for my children - who are my day to day responsibility?!

So begins a new challenge for myself - up and ready each day BEFORE G and L.  Already, just a few days in, our days are more relaxed.  Our time together can be focused on them and their needs - especially Gabe who has such a short time at home each morning before school.

Praising God for His use of my friend to convict me in this area of mothering!

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