Thursday, May 10, 2012

Teacher Recognition

The school year is winding down, and May is always a crazy time for teachers.  Gabe asked if we could do something to make his K teacher smile.  Lily chimed in that she wanted to make her teachers smile, too (because heaven forbid Gabe get to do something that Lily is not allowed to do!).

So we threw together a little something to brighten their Fridays tomorrow:

Lily's preschool teacher doesn't like chocolate (what?!?!!?), but she loves soda.

Some King Size Symphony bars for Gabe's teacher and Lily's assistant teacher.  (I just removed the wrapper, measured it against some cardstock, re-wrapped and added a printed tag.  The kiddos signed the back of each chocolate bar.)

Back when I had what Gabe refers to as 'a real person job like daddy does,' I used to love surprises from students.  It makes for a special feeling, plus it makes the giver feel good, too!

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