Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How is he almost in first grade?!?!

MANY have questioned our decision to put Gabe in kindergarten this year.  Tim and I prayerfully made the choice, believing he was ready for the challenge and we couldn't be happier with how he has done!  He is in the highest reading group, the highest math group and writing above grade level sentences.  He knows all sight words through the end of first grade.  He is not the smallest in his class, nor the whiniest.  He interacts well with his classmates - even when there have been circumstances of bullying in the classroom.  He shows kindness and love to his friends and even talks to them about Jesus (WHO-HOO for being salt and light in the world, little man!).  His teacher is pleased and so are we!  His principal pointed out that had we not started Gabe this year, he probably would have skipped first grade, which would have been a more difficult adjustment for any kiddo to have to make.

I write none of this pridefully.  I give thanks and praise to God who sustained us through this year and who gifted Gabe with a curious mind and a willing spirit.  In seeking Him through the process of our decision, we were able to enter the year with a confidence and peace.  In weak moments during the year - when classroom behavior as a whole raised my concern levels - I was comforted by God's care of His children, by His ability to use all things for His glory and by a wonderful group of parents who joined us in prayer for the children in room 123.

Now we await the results of the Spanish Immersion lottery to get a sense of what next year might hold.....

**In the interest of complete honesty, I should note we did get one note from the principal RE: Gabe's behavior this year...  He was caught kissing a girl behind the puppet theater during center time.  Just sayin'.... like father, like son!!!!

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