Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Have you noticed that there seem to be community fairs every weekend during the summer? We've been taking advantage of these fun-filled mini-carnivals often. It's been great to see Gabe getting excited about different rides. Of course, he is a dare-devil, roller-coaster kid just like his father. Sweet Lily is content to sit back and watch, so long as she can also partake of the fair-food. (No, fair food does NOT fit well into the kids new all-organic diet.)

Gabe thought this 'little baby ride' was too slow.

Clearly these motorcycles were more 'his speed.'

Lil' Mama was just taking it all in. It should be noted she may have been more into this particular fair if it wasn't past her bedtime.

Any guesses on how many times we've had to go down LARGE slides with Gabe this summer?

Getting ready for the concert - she attempted to eat this lei before we let her go to town on a sno-cone.

1 comment:

  1. Finally got to see these on computer instead of phone. 2 and 3 are sooooooooo cute! They all are cute, of course, but 2 and 3 are priceless!
