Monday, September 1, 2014

Piano Recital

The children had their first (of I hope many) piano recitals.  It was a Disney-themed event held at a local frozen yogurt restaurant.  20% of all sales after the recital were going to Make-a-Wish for a local family.  And if you dressed the part, you also scored free Italian Ice.

It was simply precious and I am so happy it was a positive experience for G and L.  I like the idea of building in them a desire to share their gifts with others - and successful performance opportunities will build their confidence in this area.

You can check them out here:

Their piano teacher, who also happens to be my fabulous husband, recently became the Director of Worship at our church.  We were to be introduced to the congregation 'officially' and were asked to share special music.  The plan was for me to sing and T to play.  Practicing at home, G asked if he could participate as well.  And we LOVED that thought.  So it morphed into T playing piano, G singing melody and me harmonizing.

It now stands as my all time favorite duet... ever... of all time... Worshipping with my sweet boy.  His sharing a song as an act of worship that encouraged the gathered believers.  Simply AWEsome in the truest sense of the word.

There is something tremendous that happens when children share in any capacity - a scripture reading, a praise dance, a song, a verse, a testimony.  It is powerful and precious and oh so pleasing, I know, to our God who created them.

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