Friday, April 26, 2013

I have been blessed with a partner who is very hands on with our children.  He has always been willing to take G and L out and about to give this mama some quiet in the home - to finish tasks, to clean house, to go to the bathroom undisturbed.  And because life is full and little ones are energetic, I've always welcomed these opportunities!

Recently, a friend with six little ladies of her own offered us some wonderful insight.  One-on-one time with dad is a precious thing - it grows relationships and also sets the stage for future behaviors and expectations.

We realized, in Tim's eagerness to serve me by providing a break, and my willingness to receive that, we were missing an awesome opportunity for him to have individual time with each of his children.

So we have become more intentional about planning time where he can be with just G or just L.  Yes, it means fewer breaks for me.  But we pray that the fruit of that time will be shown in the training up of our young man and young lady.  That the time G spends with dad will begin to shape his behavior towards women, his understanding of his role as a man and his God-given responsibilities as the head of a home and family.  That the time L spends with her dad will demonstrate the healthy male-female dynamic, that it will set the stage for her future relationships and the way men are called to treat their partners.

We are not planning extravagant outings to make this possible - just time together.  Where small voices can be heard, where truths can be earnestly shared, where memories can be created.  I know Tim treasures this time.  I know G and L are eager for this time.  I know that this time they spend warms my heart.

My word am I thankful for this man!

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