Saturday, April 7, 2012

Grateful Wall

We started to notice that the kiddos were having trouble expressing their thanks. Even with so many blessings in their lives, they often said 'I can't think of anything' when asked to offer gratitude. So we started a Grateful Wall. Every morning at breakfast, the kids think of two things they are thankful for that day. They write the thing - or person's name - on a sticky note that we hang on the wall. Then before we pray throughout the day, they can consult the wall.

It's been AWESOME to see them get excited about this activity - and their conversations with God that follow! Both kiddos race for the sticky notes each morning before we even set the breakfast table. They also ask to add more things to the wall throughout the day.

Gabe has spent his last few quiet times looking for any words involving 'thanks' in his bible. He writes down the page numbers or passages, then we read them together in the afternoon.

Thinking this is an activity Tim and I should be participating in, too!

Give Thanks!

The majority of their answers are really thoughtful.... Though you may notice that Lily drew a circle as one of her items.


  1. i don't see my name on there. just teasing :) this is a neat idea. a great way to get them thinking!

  2. lol! I'm sure he was including you when he wrote 'friends.'
