We are still low on sleep. Between the two kiddos, we're up several times a night. But in the midst of the sleeplessness came this sweet, sweet blessing.
I put Lily down for a nap, settled Gabe in for quiet time and decided to take advantage of the calm and rest. I fell asleep and awoke to Gabe climbing in bed with me. He twirled his fingers in my hair (his favorite pastime during breast-feeding as an itty-bitty and still a source of comfort for him), snuggled close and fell asleep.
Co-sleeping is not typically an option in our house. But on this rainy afternoon, with his sister resting peacefully, I gave in and enjoyed the time with my 5 year old. All too soon the time is coming when I'll be wanting affection from him and he will be drawn in other directions.

'When in doubt, choose the kids...' Anna Quindlen
Love the happy smiles...thankful for his living, loving affection!