Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I adore my husband. Loving him is my heart's greatest joy. He is an amazing father, husband and friend. He provides for our family. His hard works allows me to be home with my children. He has a heart for bringing people to Christ. He is adept at fostering wonderful relationships within his church community. He helps me to be the very best version of myself and through our marriage, my own relationship with Christ is strengthened.

All that being said, Tim also says some things for which there really is no excuse!

Exhibit A: 'So baby, when you have your period, do you feel fatter than usual?'

Exhibit B: I was talking about Lily and how I was mildly concerned about her weight gain and the disproportionate ratio of height/weight. I went on to say that she was just extra chunky. Tim said, 'Well, look at you and your size and height. What do you expect?'


In all fairness, the first comment was over two years ago, but I still bring it up...often. The second comment was this morning, and I imagine Tim will be hearing about it for a long time...

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